Access to parts of this website is restricted to Registered Users. If
you believe you have been granted access to any restricted part of this
website and you are not a Registered User, please leave the restricted area
SHAP does not permit any other person or organisation sharing your user name and password. As a Registered
User it is your responsibility to ensure that your user name and password are
stored securely and remain confidential. If you believe someone else knows
your password please contact as soon as possible.
SHAP reserve the right to remove any Registered User from the registered
list of users at any time.
As a Registered User you hereby agree that you will use the documents and
files available in the restricted areas solely for the purpose of gaining
access to SHAP information for internal business purposes and not in any way
which is, or may be, detrimental to the interests of SHAP. The documents and files hosted on the restricted area of this website are
confidential. You must not download, copy or distribute the documents and
files other than with SHAP’s prior written consent.
Please contact us by email at
if SHAP have notified you that you are permitted access to the restricted area but are unable to obtain access to it.